Grimm Notes
Barbie and the 12 dancing princesses illustration. (Source: Fandom Wiki )
The Queen Bee
-2 princes went out into the world to seek fortunes
-had a brother who was "a little insignificant dwarf"
-he tried to find his brothers but they laughed at him
-the older brothers though he wasnt capable because they werent
-came across an ant hill the elder bros wanted to knock down but the younger wouldnt let them
-"Let the poor things enjoy themselves," repetitive
-came across ducks the elders wanted to kill but younger said no
-came across a bee hive with honey and dwarf stopped brothers from huritng the bees
-came to enchanted marble castle
-eldest brother first challenge with pearls
-turned to stone b/c he failed
-next brother failed too
-dwarf was last to try
-dwarf sat on a rock and cried because the job was so hard.
-King of ants (who he had rescued) heard and helped him find them
-the second challenge was to gte a key from a lake
-the ducks helped
-the last to choose the best princess
-queen bee helped to pick the right one
-enchantment was broken
The 12 Huntsmen
-kings son had a bride he loved
-king sent for him because he was dying
-told his bride he would return and gave her a ring
-made a promise to his father to marry a different princess
-she cried and her father asked her what she wanted
-she wanted 12 other girls just like her
-she had costumes made for all
-went to court of the prince and asked to be hsi hunstmen and he said yes
-kings pet lion told him the truth
-king put hunstmen to the test
-truth revealed and lion believed again
Jorinda and Jorindel
-old castle in a gloomy wood
-old fairy
-fairy had the power to shape shift into animals except at night she was always an old woman again
-any men that came near her castle were sent away, women she turned into birds and kept
-beautiful purple flower with a pearl in it
-the flower disenchanted everything and turned Jorinda inot a maiden again
-"They lived happily ever after"
The Fox and The Horse
-a farmers horse too old for work
-horse was "very melancholy"
-farmer said he had to have the strength of a lion
-fox said he would help him
-fox helped him catch a lion and bring him to the farmer
-farmer ket him stay
The 12 Dancing Princesses
-king had 12 daughters who all shared one room with 12 beds
-even though they were locked up, their shoes were always worn through the next day as if they had been dancing all night
-king put it to a challenge to find out how
-if a man could figure it out in three days and three nights he could marry one of the girls he chose and become king, but if not was put tot death
-an old soldier
-old dame warned not to drink wine and gave him an old cloak
-youngest knew something was wrong but eldest made fun of her for it
-went through a trap door in the floor
-12 princes in 12 little boats
-soldier married the eldest
The Turnip
-2 soldiers who were brothers, one poor, and one rich
-poor soldier became a gardener
-grew a huge turnip and thought to give it to the king
-kign rewarded him and made him richer than his brother
-the brother got jealous and was determined to become rich too and got the king a gift of gold and horses
-hired villians to kill his brother
-got tied up in a sack and tricked a student to let him down
The Willow-Wren and The Bear
-Willow-wren- "King of Birds"
-talking animals
-bear saw nest of willow-wrens and thougth the children disreputable
-king and queen said they would punish the bear with a bloody war
-fox leading floor legged animals'-willow-wrens all flying insects and animals
-Willow-wrens won but children said the bear had to come and apologize to them
Bibliography and Sources
sources come from the Grimms' Fairy Tale sbook published by the Project Gutenburgwebsite- Project Gutenburg
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