Adam and Eve Notes
Adam and Eve eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Source:Jeffjacobs1990 on Pixabay )
- Read Genesis in the ESV translation
- I like how the story starts with "In the Beginning.."
-In the Genesis parts, there is a clear timeline, followed with the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh days.
- Uses very good descriptions
- Repetition is present by calling things good and very good
- "each according to its kind"
-"greater light and lesser light"
-"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness."
-"have dominion over"
-God rested on 7th day
-"a mist was going up from the land"
-directions, specific timelines
-names are important and a lot of times have meanings with them in the text
-Woman- taken from man
-serpent was more crafty- uses convincing language with Eve
- "Lord walking in the garden in the cool of the day"
-Eve-mother of all living
-Adam was "fully and completed developed" when he was created
-Adam possessed "extraordinary size and physical perfection"
-the word "see" repeated in different forms
-soul referred to as "her"
-Adam- created out of Adamah, dust of the earth
-Adam a prophet
-Adam "aroused the envy of the angels"
-"God flung Satan and his host out of heaven."
-"Give adoration to the image of God!"
-marriage- used to make a difference between God and man
-"Ineffable Name"
-Lilith was made in the same way as Adam
-Lilith refused to submit to Adam
-Eve was made from Adam's body while he was asleep
-Lilith demon children
-Lilith preys on infant children, must put token on child of 3 angels who caught her
-God when creating Eve- "Be chaste!"
-"for God longs for the prayers of the pious"
-"He who lusts after what is not his due, not only does he not attain his desire, but also loses what he has!"
-Sanhedrin of 71 angels
Legends of the Jews by Louis Ginzberg (1990) : Volume 1
English Standard Version Bible (2016) : Genesis 1-2
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